Ike LIVE! ‘From The Bar’: Bassmaster Classic, Tournament Season & Latest Happenings on the Trail!

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About Ike Live

Ike Live is a bass fishing podcast, which also streams live video when recording. The first podcast episode was recorded in 2014. Since that time, the show has welcomed fishing guests, like Kevin VanDam and Gerald Swindle, but also other athletes and outdoorsmen, like Trent Cole, Brian Robison and Bryan Bickell. The show is hosted by Mike "Ike" Iaconelli, a BASS and FLW tournament bass fishing champion, television host and ambassador for getting kids involved in fishing and in the outdoors. Shows are recorded about once per month, as Ike's tournament schedule allows.

One of the best ways to stay up-to-date on live show airing dates is to follow Ike Live : Mike Iaconelli Webcast on Facebook.

Ike Live On iTunes

Ike Live Cast

Ike Live Podcast Cast

Ike Live host Mike Iaconelli

Mike Iaconelli

Host & Chief of Tomfoolery
Co-host Pete Gluszek

Pete Gluszek

Co-Host & The Cccrrrust
Fat Head Dave

David Borodziuk

Co-Co-Host & Fat Head / Worf
Brian the Carpenter

Brian "The Carpenter"

Producer & Principal Carpenter
Becky Iaconelli

Becky Iaconelli

Chatter & Fashionista


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